SELECT ID, post_content FROM wp_hej_posts, wp_hej_postmeta WHERE ID = post_id AND post_status = 'publish' AND meta_key = 'ts-ads-format' AND meta_value IN ('1143x140') ORDER BY RAND()
SELECT ID, post_content FROM wp_hej_posts, wp_hej_postmeta WHERE ID = post_id AND post_status = 'publish' AND meta_key = 'ts-ads-format' AND meta_value IN ('768x475') AND ID NOT IN (2106) ORDER BY RAND()
SELECT ID, post_content FROM wp_hej_posts, wp_hej_postmeta WHERE ID = post_id AND post_status = 'publish' AND meta_key = 'ts-ads-format' AND meta_value IN ('728x90') AND ID NOT IN (2106,2340) ORDER BY RAND()
SELECT ID, post_content FROM wp_hej_posts, wp_hej_postmeta WHERE ID = post_id AND post_status = 'publish' AND meta_key = 'ts-ads-format' AND meta_value IN ('728x90_2') AND ID NOT IN (2106,2340) ORDER BY RAND()
SELECT ID, post_content FROM wp_hej_posts, wp_hej_postmeta WHERE ID = post_id AND post_status = 'publish' AND meta_key = 'ts-ads-format' AND meta_value IN ('728x90') AND ID NOT IN (2106,2340,3019) ORDER BY RAND()
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Nu finns det en mobil dusch för hemlösa

Mobil dusch på Costa del Sol.

Välgörenhetsorganisationen Collective Calling har lanserat en innovativ mobil lösning för att ge hemlösa i Spanien en möjlighet att duscha.

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